200 | {"id": Integer, "status": String} | We have accepted the email and are queuing it for delivery. The ID is our internal email ID, the status will always be "pending" |
400 | {"error":"Invalid API Token"} | We can't match your API token to a Domain |
400 | {"error":"Email from address not parseable"} | Our API is unable to parse the email address you are sending from |
400 | {"errors":{"to":["undefined field"]}} | You did not include a To field in your request |
400 | {"errors":{"to":["is invalid"]}} | The To field does not contain a valid email address |
400 | {"errors":{"to":["contains a blocked address"]}} | An email in the To field is in your blocked addresses list, which we cannot send to |
400 | {"errors":{"to":["number of email addresses exceeds maximum volume"]}} | You can send up to 50 emails in one go by including them in the To field, this request has more than 50 emails in the To field |
400 | {"errors":{"attachments.name":["Extension file type blocked, see Docs for full list of allowed file types"]}} | See here for details of allowed attachment file types |
401 | {"error":"Missing API Token"} | You must include an API token in every request |
403 | {"error:"Domain DKIM DNS not verified, please complete DKIM Verification"} | Every domain must complete DKIM verification before emails can be sent from it |
403 | {"error:"The organization that owns this domain does not have an active plan"} | Each organization must have an active plan to allow emails to be sent |
403 | {"error:"This organization is unable to send emails. Please contact support"} | Your organization has been disabled. Please contact support via email for details: support@mailpace.com |
403 | {"error:"Verified domain does not match domain in From address of email"} | The From address needs to contain exactly the same domain that you have registered, for example, if the email has a From address of test@test.com, you must be attempting to send using the API token for the test.com address |
406 | {"error:"Invalid request format or content type"} | Something in your request is invalid, check the (Send Reference Documentation)[send] for details |
429 | {"error:"You are sending emails too quickly"} | You are being rate limited due to sending too many emails in a short period of time. The application of rate limits varies depending on factors such as organization age, plan, and historical sending patterns. Contact Support if you are experiencing this regularly |
500 | No content | Internal Server Error - our application is down, contact support if this persists |